Wrong Time Shown

This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #16369

    Event Organiser Version 2.12.5 with Event Organiser Pro Version 1.9.7

    Page: http://www.wibwnewsnow.com/

    On the right sidebar, the Community Events widget is showing UTC time and not local time.

    I am using the following template in the “Events” widget:

    "%start{F jS}{ \a\t g:ia}%<br />%event_title%"

    When I edit the event itself, the date and time are correct.

    If you click on the event, the date is displayed incorrectly.

    Under “Settings->General” the correct time zone has been selected. And if I use a DATE shortcode to display the time and date, it shows the correct local date and time.

    Dave Navarro

    Hi Dave,

    I’ll look into this for you, but what DATE shortcode are you referring to?

    Stephen Harris

    Also is the event’s time correct in the admin calendar? If you update the event, (if this a recurring event you’ll want to select the ‘edit occurrences’ checkbox), does that take effect?

    Stephen Harris

    A custom DATE shortcode I created to display the results from the PHP date() function.

    The time is correct in the admin calendar, but not in the displayed calendars on the front end.

    Dave Navarro

    I’ve taken a close look at the site, am I right in thinking that this is issue not applying to all events? From looking at the site only “Chicanitas: Small Paintings from the Cheech Marin Collection Exhibition” is displaying an incorrect date?

    This is looking like the bug that was addressed in 2.12.5, which can occur if you manually include custom dates and then change the time of the event. Updating the event in question should fix this issue.

    Stephen Harris

    The way we work is, all dates are entered on another site (http://94country.com) and then I use the iCal plugin to import all community events from the 94 Country site to the News Now site.

    So nothing is ever manually entered/edited on the News Now site, everything on the calendar comes from iCal feeds.

    I’ll take a closer look at upcoming events and see what they look like.

    Dave Navarro

    Okay, here’s what is happening…

    The “News Now” web site is using iCal to import the Community Events from the “94 Country” site.

    For single day events with no re-occurrences the date/time is correct. For events that are a re-occurrence, the time is off by 5 hours (the difference between GMT and local time).

    When I edit the re-occurring date on the “News Now” web site, the date is correct. So it’s being stored correctly in the database, but being displayed incorrectly on the front page using the widget.

    My guess is that the widget is using date() differently for re-occurring events than for non re-occurring events.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  Dave Navarro.
    Dave Navarro

    Actually, for recurring events the date/time shown is of the first occurrence. In the event I looked at above, it had a custom recurrence schedule, and so the times of those occurrences may differ from that of the original occurrence.

    Do you have a link to the iCal source feed you’re using to pull in events, as that will help me see how the event is defined, and so how it would be interpreted by EO.

    Stephen Harris
    Dave Navarro

    Thanks Dave,

    I’ve identified a bug in the 2.12.* branch of the plug-in related to this. The bug is in creating the event dates when the included/excluded dates are being converted from a ‘foreign’ (in this case UTC) timezone.

    In fact the bug has almost always been there, but pre-2.12.* code masked it.

    This will be fixed in 2.13.0 which is due to be released in the next few days.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks so much!!

    Dave Navarro

    Hi Dave,

    Just to let you know, 2.13.0 was released yesterday. It should automatically resolve the problem once the calendar next syncs. If not, try deleting completely the offending event and re-syncing the calendar (which will re-create it again).

    Stephen Harris
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