Width of event box in fullcalendar

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  bjs256 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #7375


    First off, excellent plug-in! Thank you for all your work!

    Second, I’m running into a challenge in the fullcalendar where each column has such wide margins that the name of the event is almost always cut off in the event box. Example here:

    I can fix this via a CSS override in the month view, but in the weekAgenda view it seems to all be calculated via javascript. Any suggestions on how this might be fixed? I know this will be the very first thing my client complains about…

    Thanks very much!


    Hi Benny,

    Thank you, you’re welcome.

    Do you have a link to your site? While quite a lot of the dimensions of the calendar are generated via javascript, the title shouldn’t overflow out of the event box. I imagine there is something innocuous in the theme which is behind this.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    You were right! Theme CSS conflict, and I was looking in the wrong place. All set now. Thanks!


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