Widget categories & venues dropdown not using permalinks

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Widget categories & venues dropdown not using permalinks

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years ago.

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  • #21696

    Hi Stephen,
    Not sure when this started, but the widget dropdown now links to the ‘ugly’ permalinks, not the pretty ones. Not showing the widgets as a dropdown seems to work fine. Thanks,


    Matthew Tarzwell

    Hi Oliver,

    This has always been this way, and is consistent with WordPress’ default category widget.

    It’s possible to improve on this, however.

    Stephen Harris

    Ah. Hmm – this completely breaks on my site for some reason, even if I save the permalinks. Am I doing something wrong?

    Matthew Tarzwell

    It 404s? Can you provide a link? (Does WordPress’ category dropdown not work either? It uses similar code).

    Stephen Harris

    Yes, it 404s on the dropdown, but not if I change it to a list.

    Click on ‘Sidebar’.

    You can see it here: http://inside.tru.ca/events

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by  Matthew Tarzwell.
    Matthew Tarzwell

    I should mention – the default WordPress ones work fine. You can see them at inside.tru.ca -> also click on ‘Sidebar’.

    Matthew Tarzwell

    Thanks Oliver,

    I see what’s happening here: it’s using the ID rather than slug, which is causing the problem. Normally the user is redirected to the pretty URL automatically, but here the user is being directed to ?event-category=<id> instead of ?event-category=<slug> and so it’s 404ing.

    The widget hasn’t changed in 4 months, so I wonder if WordPress core has changed the output of wp_dropdown_categories().

    I’ll release a fix for this shortly, but you can immediately fix it with the following:

    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_widget_event_categories_dropdown_args', function( $args ){
        $args['value_field'] = 'slug';
        return $args;
     } );
    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen. No rush on my end – I’ll just wait until the fix is in. 🙂

    Sorry – I could have been more clear with the description as to what was happening; it’s been a busy day. Busy week.

    Matthew Tarzwell

    3.0.4 has just been released, so this should now be fixed.

    Stephen Harris
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