I never received an email with my license key or if I did it went into spam and is permanentley deleted…
I would have been good to see a message to add the email to whitelist and to expect it – I didn’t even know I would need license keys. Anyway – please resend urgently.
I sent you a message from the contact form but didn’t even receive a response that it had been recieved (checked spam this time)
So I thought I’d better follow up here. Thanks

Ana Asar
Hi Ana,
I’m glad you posted a topic here. I tried replying to your e-mail but got a delivery failure notification (no such user). I can only assume that that is why you didn’t receive your license keys.
After that message failed I tried tweeting your company’s twitter account in a bid to get in touch. I’ll re-send the e-mail shortly in the hope that the problem is temporary, however, if you still don’t receive an e-mail, could you get in touch with an alternative e-mail address?

Stephen Harris
Sorry – I added the wrong email – pls resend to the email I have just updated too… sorry again…
While I have you – Is there anyway to keep users out of the wp dashboard profile and have a front end version?

Ana Asar
Hi there – still no email…

Ana Asar
Hi Ana,
You should have received an e-mail now (sorry, I was using the old, incorrect one).
Regarding front-end management of events, the FES extension has recently added front-end editing of (submitted) events. So that will allow your users to create and edit events from the front-end. This has be to enabled, as shown in the article linked to above.
This doesn’t, however, prevent access to the admin area – there are other plug-ins available that do this, however, for example: https://wordpress.org/plugins/remove-dashboard-access-for-non-admins/

Stephen Harris