When one occurrence sold out, next occurrence's tickets appear instead

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug When one occurrence sold out, next occurrence's tickets appear instead

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Natalie Parisi 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    Here are my conditions:
    My event has two occurrences. When I load my ticket picker page after all of the tickets from the first occurrence have sold out, instead of the ticket area being blank, it displays the tickets from my next occurrence. (see image for reference) I can select these tickets, but when I try to check out, it says they are no longer available (but still shows them on the selected date).

    enter image description here

    Natalie Parisi

    A little more testing on this…

    I tried turning off my custom option that turns the quantity to a checkbox, no change in the bug.

    If I click the second date, then click back to the first date, the ticket option does disappear

    I tried a variation where instead of buying up all of the tickets for the first date, I set the quantity limit for the first date ticket at zero spaces. In this case, the first date was not available as an option in the dropdown anymore (blank entry), and there were no available ticket options associated with that empty date. This is the ideal state (barring a “This date is sold out” message in the ticket area as well).

    When I have things configured the way they are in my first post, with two occurrences and one specific ticket for each occurrence that is only sold on that date, trying to book the incorrectly displayed ticket that appears from the next date gives me the message “The tickets you have selected are no longer available.” which is helpful at least. I tried instead making just one ticket that is sold on both dates and has a ticket limit. In this case, when the first date tickets have sold out, the ticket option still appears in the ticket area for that date, probably again pulling the tickets from the second date, but the error message says “Please select a ticket.”, which is very confusing as the user has apparently selected a ticket and there is no indication that the date is sold out. (see screenshot below)

    enter image description here

    Natalie Parisi

    Thanks Natalie,

    I think this might be an oversight related to the drop-down menu date selection. The default date-picker highlights the all available dates but disables sold-out dates. But with the drop-down there is nothing to prevent a sold-out day being selected.

    I’ll look into this, and release an update in the coming days to address the issues you raised.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks! =)

    Natalie Parisi
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