View/Manage Bookings

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #7404

    I have given those with Contributor status the ability to create and manage events. Under the Permissions tab, Contributors are allowed to:

    Edit Events
    Publish Events
    Manage Venues

    I am told they cannot see the Bookings submenu under events and so can’t see who has signed up or who has paid, print out lists, etc.

    How do I give them this access?

    Also, I set up a paid event. Someone booked a ticket and purchased it through PayPal, but the status in the plugin is still pending. Doesn’t this payment get updated automatically when they go through the site?

    (3) Is there a way to restrict payment on a PARTICULAR event to PayPal only? If so, does this allow people to book even if they don’t pay at the time?

    Thanks for your help.


    Hi Alison,

    I’ll need to look into Booking screen access. Currently only admins can view that screen.

    Regarding booked tickets: they should be automatically confirmed when PayPal notifies the site of payment. If the bookings have a PayPal transaction ID along with the booking ID (in the booking admin table), then PayPal has notified the site, but there’s an error (perhaps currency mismatch), or some other form of action needed.

    If there isn’t, then PayPal hasn’t notified the site of payment. You can double check this by logging into PayPal:

    1. Click My Account tab (this is usually the screen you land on when you log-in)
    2. Hover over the ‘History’ tab, and click ‘IPN History’
    3. Click the message ID of the appropriate transaction ID
    4. Check the notification url, it should be: [site-url]?eo-listener=ipn&eo-gateway=paypal

    Here you can see the url to which the notification was sent and the content of the message was sent. If you’d like you can email the content of that page to me, but I wouldn’t post it publicly on these forums.

    Unfortunately it’s currently not possible to restrict available gateways per-event.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks for looking into giving access to the booking screen. Obviously users should only be able to access the booking screen for their OWN events, but if the creator can’t see the booking screen, it makes the multi-user access almost useless, given that an admin has to mange all the bookings for everyone.

    When I hover over the History tab, the only things in the submenu are:

    Basic Search
    Download History
    Tax Documents



    For me the list continues:

    • Reports
    • IPN History


    Perhaps try this link:

    When you view the booking admin screen is there a section below ‘booking notes’ which reads ‘gateway response’?

    Stephen Harris

    I don’t see those menu items on this account. It’s a new account and I’m in the US, not the UK, don’t know if those things make a difference.

    When I go to Settings>Event Organiser>Bookings I don’ts see “booking notes.” When I go to Settings>Event Organiser>Bookings Form I don’t see it. When I go to Events>Bookings I still don’t see it.

    Do you mean something else by “booking admin screen”?


    Below is a partial screenshot of the booking admin screen:

    booking admin screen

    If the site has successfully received a response from PayPal then the transaction ID will appear below the booking reference number (as in the second row). That will happen regardless of whether PayPal has okayed the payment or not. If it is not present (as in the first row), then no response from PayPal was received.

    If you can see a transaction ID there you can the view exactly what was received by clicking on the booking reference number (i.e. going to the booking’s admin page), and then scrolling down to “Gateway Response” and clicking “View Gateway response”.

    If you can’t then no response is being received. You may wish to speak to your host as you server settings could potentially (though unlikely) be preventing the IPN from reaching the plug-in. (This can also happen if you do not allow logged-out users to reach your site, or if you have a “maintenance” or “coming soon” plug-in active and running – though I don’t think this applies to you.

    If you’re able to view your IPN history from your PayPal account that will at least tell us where PayPal is sending the IPN and what the response is. (I have just found that while you can make payments with a personal PayPal account, if you wish to view the IPN history you require a business account, which is also free).

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    I’m also having the same problem with PayPal payments not showing up as ‘confirmed’. This is happening on two sites that I manage on two separate servers.

    I’ve confirmed that the IPN message is going to the right location.

    Any thoughts?



    Andrew Shankie

    So future posts are aware this thread hasn’t gone cold – this issue is currently being addressed via e-mail.

    Stephen Harris
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