view quantity of tickets left?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #17283

    Just purchased the pro verson to sell tickets, and we have 14 slots available (bus tour) is there a way to show how many tickets are left when ordering? or easily add ” only 3 tickets left” on the event page?

    Also is there a way to have multi purchase discounts (groups of 4 are $10 off)?

    Justin Morgan

    Hi Justin,

    The discount codes extension would allow you to offer a discount code for (valid for X users or more), but there is no automatic group discounts.

    To display the number of remaining tickets you can use the function eo_get_remaining_tickets_count() see codex. You could edit the event-meta-single-event.php template file (for example) to display that. There are example snippets on the codex.

    Stephen Harris

    I tried following the other post
    but nothing happens when adding it around line 116, am i missing something?

    Justin Morgan

    Hi Justin,

    I’ve just sent you an e-mail. If you send me the edited template, I’ll be happy to check it over for you.

    You should make sure that you haven’t disabled the plug-in’s template handling (otherwise that template probably won’t be loaded). Similarly if you’re theme has a single-event.php file then the above template might not be loaded.

    Stephen Harris
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