Very Slow Load Time

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #21053

    Hey Stephen

    I hope this finds you well! Writing because I am using posterboard and fullcalendar on this page: (unfinished site)

    When you click the ‘calendar’ tab, you might notice that the calendar loads very slowly- sometimes the whole site just times out before it finishes. This is also true if the fullcalendar shortcode is the only thing on a page.

    I figure there is probably a very easy way to speed this up. Please let me know!

    Thank you

    Caitlin Everett

    Caitlin Everett

    Hi Caitlin,

    The calendar won’t load in a tab (unless its on the ‘visible’ tab when the page loads).

    More specifically, it won’t load in a hidden element..

    In terms of performance, you may want to first see how it performs with other plug-ins deactivated. The calendar returns a lot of data (such as description) or which categories/venue its in, and sometimes there are plug-ins which get triggered when these are processed.

    It looks like you don’t have very many events, so I wouldn’t normally expect there to be much performance concern (and for me at least the posterboard loaded reasonably quickly).

    Stephen Harris
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