Hi there,
I have got two questions.
First is:
When I click on an event in the calendar it opens a page where the event details are shown. On this detailsite there is a googlemap iframe in the right corner. Is it possible to set the zoom factor. We want to zoom a bit out, so that visitors can see imediatly where we are and so they don’t need to zoom out. At the Moment you can see the street,, but when you dont know where the city is, the name of the street is not the information you want to see.
Other question is, I want to disable the Sunday. When I use the shortcode option weekends=false it disables the saturday too. But on saturday are events. So, is it possible to disable just the sunday.
I removed the SU entry in event-organiser-event-functions.php but it didn’t removed the sunday.
Thanks for our help
DFH Service GmbH
In templates/event-meta-event-single.php
(see line 108) there is the following
<?php echo eo_get_venue_map( eo_get_venue(), array( 'width' => '100%' ) ); ?>
You can pass a value for 'zoom'
which is by default 15. A lower number will zoom the map out. E.g:
<?php echo eo_get_venue_map( eo_get_venue(), array('zoom' => 10, 'width' => '100%' ) ); ?>
Stephen Harris
Hi there,
thanks! That was exactly what I was looking for.
But there is still the problem with the fullcalendar and the sunday. Is it posible to remove the Sunday from the fullcalendar?
DFH Service GmbH
Sorry, forgot to address the second part of your question:
[eo_fullcalendar showdays="MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA"]
Stephen Harris
Thanks a lot!
In the docs about the calendar, I can’t find anything that explains that.
Maybe it is a good idea to post a site in which alle shortcodes an their options are explained.
DFH Service GmbH