Venue Markers: Custom Markers for Google Maps

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Venue Markers: Custom Markers for Google Maps

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years ago.

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    I have just purchased the extension Venue Markers: Custom Markers for Google Maps, installed and activated
    The button ‘ select a marker’ shows, but the window where I assume the markers will be is blank
    Have I missed a stage in the installation?

    Barry Meadows

    Hi Barry,

    Are you able to upload additional markers? Or is the entire modal blank? What version of WordPress are you running?

    Stephen Harris

    I’m running 3.8.1; theme 2014
    The pop-out box where I think I should select a marker is bank except for a cross in the top right hand corner
    I haven’t tried to upload other markers as in my expereince one can have too many markers making the situation more complex than it needs to be

    Barry Meadows

    There aren’t any known issues with 3.8.1 or the TwentyFourteen theme. It could be a plug-in conflict (?). I asked if you were able to upload additional markers because it may be that the bundled markers weren’t able to be added to your site’s filesystem. But that’s never happened before and it should haved displayed a warning message when you activated the plug-in (if that were the case).

    I suspect either a javascript / CSS conflict with a plug-in. You can do this by either temporarily disabling other plug-ins to see if it functions normally, and/or check your browser’s console for any error messages on that page. If you’d like me to take a look for you, I can – I’ll be in touch via e-mail.

    Stephen Harris

    I suspected a plugin conflict as there didn’t seem to be any other people with this issue
    I’ve been through and identified the ‘page google map’ plugin as the culprit – when I disable it the markers appear.

    So, I just need to think through how I can use the events map function where I have been using the other plugin…

    Thanks for your help

    Barry Meadows

    Great 🙂

    There’s two map shortcodes available to you

    • Venue map – display of a venue or venue(s)
      • Event map – display a map events’ locations, where the events match a given query

    Which one is best to use will depend on the context its being used in.

    Which google maps plug-in was it in particular? – I’d like to see if there’s anything that can be done to resolve the conflict.

    Stephen Harris

    It is the ‘page google map’ plugin by andersonjohnf

    I want to show maps for things other than venues, and a map of an area without a marker….

    Barry Meadows

    I’m afraid Event Organiser doesn’t support that. However, I’ve found the cause of the conflict. Page Google Maps loads a library (underscore and backbone) which already exists in WordPress ( as of 3.5 if I recall correctly). So both Page Google Maps and WordPress are loading the library, causing a conflict. Event Organiser uses this library for the venue markers.

    A (temporary) fix is simple, first comment out lines 214 and 215 of page-google-map.php. In particular:

     * Register scripts common to admin adn frontend
    private function register_core_scripts_and_styles() {
    $lib_bundle = array(
        //Core dependencies (libs)
        array('', false),

    Should become this:

     * Register scripts common to admin adn frontend
    private function register_core_scripts_and_styles() {
    $lib_bundle = array(
        //Core dependencies (libs)
        array('', false),

    Next add ‘backbone’ and ‘underscore’ to the list of dependencies in class/pgm-resource.loader.php (lines 65-73), is:

    $dependencies = array(

    and should be changed to this:

    $dependencies = array(

    I’ve notified the plug-in author here:

    Stephen Harris
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