Venue map broken

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Martin Jansesberger 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #18853

    Hi there,

    i encountered a display error with the google map in the event display. On some browsers it displays with errors, on others the map itself isnt showing up. Trying several approaches to fix the error i wasn’t able to. Please could you look at my site and help me..

    Thanks a lot, Martin

    Martin Jansesberger

    What errors are you seeing? I tried with Chrome and the map did not display correctly, but no errors, whereas Firefox displayed it correctly. Both browsers worked for these pages:


    Does this happen with the default Twenty-something theme, and with other plug-ins disabled? If not, is there a particular plug-in/theme which appears to cause the issue?

    Stephen Harris

    hi stephen,

    i figured out that the error is coming from my theme.
    i had #content img { max-width: 100% } in my css.
    somehow this statement was causing the error.
    now i used article img { max-width: 100% } and
    everything works as it should.

    thanks for your help..

    Martin Jansesberger
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