Venue List on Front end & Events Recurrence on Single Event

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Venue List on Front end & Events Recurrence on Single Event

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    First of all – sorry about this, but I just cannot find what I want:

    I want to put a border on the Venue List. That is the list that is generated when clicking a venue from an event. I cannot find the correct page to edit to make that happen. Could you point me to the page please?

    Secondly, I would like the list of future event dates on a single event to be limited to 2 and not 5, before the Show More link allows more to be viewed. I see that is managed by the Java Script in plugins/event-organiser/js/frontend.js. I have changed the value there but it does not affect the list.
    Is there something else to adjust to make that change?

    Chris Hirst

    Chris Hirst

    Hi Chris,

    If the file is present in the root of your theme directory it will use taxonomy-event-venue.php.

    If not, then in theme compatibility mode the plug-in uses the theme’s page.php template file, and inserts the list as a content. Otherwise it will use taxonomy-event-venue.php in the plug-in’s template directory.

    If you need to modify the template, then you may need to create your own taxonomy-event-venue.php template file that works with your theme. You could edit eo-loop-events.php instead – which contains the loop for all the events. You could wrap the loop <div>...</div>, and use that to add a border, but this will also effect the events page, category and tag pages.

    As for editing the JavaScript – you will need to apply the changes to the .min.js version as this will be typically be the version used in a production context.

    Stephen Harris
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