I post here as I could not post in the Frontend Submissions forum, even though I do have a pro license.
I struggle to change label “Venue” to “Locatie” on the event single view page. The translation file seems complete, I have searched through all the files for any occurrence of the word Venue, but just can not find what I need to change. For now I have hard codd in the file “event-meta-event-single.php” this line:
<li><strong><?php echo esc_html( $tax->labels->singular_name ) ?>:</strong> <a>"> <?php eo_venue_name(); ?></a></li>
to this:
<li><strong>Locatie:</strong> <a>"> <?php eo_venue_name(); ?></a></li>
I would prefer to make the change correctly instead of hard coding. I can’t see to what “singular_name” name relates to. should I add this to the language translation file? or is there a field I have missed in the wordpress event-organise administration set up which I should change?
Regards, Tony
This topic was modified 8 years ago by
Stephen Harris. Reason: Fixed code highlighting

Translations are defined by the appropriate .mo
file. These are generated from their corresponding .po
file – so just updating the .po
file is not enough, you’ll need to create the .mo
file from that (you cannot edit the .mo
file using a text editor).
The $tax->labels->singular_name
points to Venue, and it is translated (into Dutch) here: https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/blob/3.1.7/languages/eventorganiser-nl_NL.po#L1515-L1517
So assuming you have the language set up on your site, I don’t see any reason why that string wouldn’t appear as Locatie. (I’ve checked on a test install, and it does for me).
I assume you’re running Event Organiser 3.1.7?

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for taking a look at this and running a test.
I have taken a look at my eventorganiser-nl_NL.po file. In seems to be be correct. As mentioned I can’t even view the .mo file.
I still use event organiser 3.1.2, I plan to update in a week or 2. Maybe this is the reason for my issue.
In wordpress I have the general wordpress language setting set to Nederlands. Is there another language setting in event-organiser?
I find in the wordpress administration area, I have a mix of Dutch and English texts. Maybe someting is not loading correctly?
For example : Settings>Event Organiser >(tab)Reserveringen this page is all in Dutch
but this page: Settings>Event Organiser >(tab)General is all in English
and other pages have a mix of the two languages.
Kind regards,

I find in the wordpress administration area, I have a mix of Dutch and English texts.
There are typically some gaps in the translation (translations can be provided here: http://i18n.wp-event-organiser.com/translate/event-organiser/?locale=nl_NL (log-in is the same as this site) ). I’m not sure what % of translations are complete in 3.1.7, but in the next release it will be 95% (currently).

Stephen Harris