venue dropdown (all event list)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Rachel Druskin 9 years ago.

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  • #21535

    this worked before, but for some reason, my venue is not sorted alphabetically anymore 🙁
    how can i fix that? this goes for the admin part where i can view all the events i added…


    Rachel Druskin

    Hi Rachel,

    This will be fixed in 3.0.3

    Stephen Harris


    this goes to tags dropdownlist too..

    Rachel Druskin

    Do you mean categories, or which tag dropdown you mean? (If this the events admin page again then I think you mean categories).

    Stephen Harris

    you’re right, i meant the categories dropdown from the admin page

    Rachel Druskin

    Great, just wanted to check. 3.0.3 will be released today or tomorrow.

    Stephen Harris

    cheers! 🙂

    Rachel Druskin
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