Venue being deleted when editing event

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Venue being deleted when editing event

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 4 months ago.

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    When I go to the events list and “quick edit” an event the venue is reverted to “no venue”. I then change what I wanted to change and save. The venue has gone. every time.
    It’s OK (though far less convenient) to do a full edit rather than a quick edit.

    Garry Kelsall

    I’ve seen this reported a couple of times, but I’m yet to replicate this issue.

    I’ll be in touch via email to see if I can investigate this further for you.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Garry,

    I’ve deleted your reply as this forum is publically viewable.

    I’ve since logged-in to the testing site and been able to replicate the issue and have found a fix.

    There’ll be an update to the plug-in shortly, for now it is fixed on your staging environment.

    I’d recommend you delete the credentials you posted.

    Stephen Harris

    Great, thanks very much Stephen.

    Garry Kelsall

    Hi Garry,

    This should be fixed in Event Organiser 3.8.4

    Stephen Harris
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