Hi Steven,
I’m enjoying this plug in, have a couple of questions:
On an event detail page, like this one:
Is it possible to have the venue address display under venue name? I have the google map displaying but would be nice to have the street address too.
Is it possible to have the end time display. This event runs from 10:00 am to 3:00 and I’d like to show both.

Yup, you’d need to edit the templates ( the event meta template is the only one you’d need to edit).
After the start date/time is displayed (see https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/blob/1.7.3/templates/event-meta-event-single.php#L58) you’ll want to show the end datetime (you may want to wrap it in a conditional to check if the event ends on the same day, or if its an all day event).
//If not a all day event but it ends on the same day
if( !eo_is_all_day() && eo_get_the_start( 'Ymd' ) = eo_get_the_end( 'Ymd' ) ){
//Display end time:
eo_the_end( 'g:ia' );
On that same page, after the venue name is displayed (see https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/blob/1.7.3/templates/event-meta-event-single.php#L63) you can use the following display the address:
$address = array_filter( eo_get_venue_address() );
echo implode( ", ", $address );
For all available functions see: http://wp-event-organiser.com/documentation/function-reference/

Stephen Harris