Hi Stephen,
Just thought I’d drop you a line to mention a strange VAT rounding issue with Event Organiser Pro and the VAT extension – it seems to me that if the VAT amount is set to 20%, the “rounding” in the VAT and Total amounts in the ticket picker is slightly out!
An an example, on one particular event that our client is hosting, one of the ticket prices (inclusive of 20% tax) is £5, but if one orders more than one ticket, the VAT is out by a penny every time!
The booking page can be viewed here: https://www.cowdray.co.uk/events/living-history-day/
Please do let me know of nay thoughts you might have on this!
With best wishes,

Alex Stanhope
Hi Alex,
Normally the plug-in displays the pre-VAT amount, so I assume you’ve edited the template to change that behaviour?
The rounding is correct. It appears the pre-VAT amount is £4.17 which, when you apply 20% gives you £5.004, rounded to £5. With two tickets its £10.008, rounded to £10.01. That’s inline with advice on rounding by HMRC (but even that advice implies a degree of flexibility).
I think the problem here is that you’d like to specify the post-VAT amount as £5, whereas the plugin applies VAT on top of the ticket price.
It doesn’t look like you allow customers to zero-rate the purchase by supplying a valid VAT number. So potentially one workaround is to not use the VAT plugin, and just enter the post-VAT ticket price. If required you can include text on the booking from to indicate that all prices are inclusive of VAT.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
Thanks so much for the speedy reply, and you’re absolutely right about the template being edited to show the ticket price inclusive of VAT as this was done at the client’s request.
I must admit, I wasn’t aware that there was a way to allow customers to zero-rate bookings! Having looked through the various settings for Event Organiser, I haven’t found a way to implement this, so would welcome any thoughts you might have on this!
Lastly, I was also wondering if there might be some way of “fudging” the rounding somehow to achieve the desired amount inclusive of VAT, but still show the VAT amount in the “VAT (20%)” row at all? If not, no worries – I’ll see if I can persuade them to switch off the VAT plugin and add a message to the booking form instead.
I will very much look forward to hearing from you with your thoughts!

Alex Stanhope