Using the listWeek and listMonth views

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Using the listWeek and listMonth views

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 7 years, 11 months ago.

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    Even though it’s not in the documentation, I’m aware that EO has the ability to use the FullCalendar listWeek and listMonth views. However, one thing I noticed is that it’s showing days that don’t have events, contrary to the FC docs:

    A list view is a type of Available View that displays events in a flat list. Only days with events are displayed.

    So what I am essentially getting looks like this:

    Is there a way using EO to have it hide empty days, or would I have to go about making my own implementation of FC?

    Also – on a slightly related note, is there a way to alter the labels so it doesn’t read “week” for both the basicWeek and listWeek views?

    Brian Hanna

    Hi Brian,

    The discrepancy is due to the fact that Event Organiser uses a forked, older version of fullcalendar – so the implementation of the list views is not the same.

    It’s likely that this will change when the library is updated, but since this is a breaking change, this isn’t going to happen until version 4.

    Regarding changing the name, I shall investigate this for 3.2

    Stephen Harris
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