Using multiple PayPal emails

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    I have a client who has two streams of business: a charity arm and a commercial arm. They need to put income from each into different accounts and it is possible to do this with PayPal. See:

    Can Event Organiser handle this? There is only a WP Admin option for 1 PayPal address but is it possible to intercept the transaction before it is redirected to PayPal using a filter or action?

    Or is there another reliable way to do this?

    Many thanks

    David McCourt

    Hi Dave,

    Just sent you an e-mail about this. In short, yes it is possible. You can use the eventorganiser_gateway_checkout_paypal filter to alter the data sent to paypal.

    Stephen Harris
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