US Date form – Month THEN day

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #5506

    I would really like to have the option to have the date read in the U.S. manner, not European.
    i.e., 7.4.2013 means July 4, 2013, NOT April 7, 2013. :=)

    It would be good if the date were consistent in format throughout the event scheduling, reporting, and calendar.



    Silly me — I forgot to check the settings — And there it is!! THANKS!


    Hi Bburtaw,

    That setting is for inputting date – how to change the date which is supplied will depend on the context. For widgets, see the widget’s options, for shortcodes you can find the documentation here, for everything else – you may need to edit the templates.

    Stephen Harris
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