Upgrade from 2 to 3, Offline payment

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Upgrade from 2 to 3, Offline payment

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 4 years, 12 months ago.

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    We are currently using Event Organiser Pro 2 on our live site but I have been testing version 3 locally (currently 3.0.7), both for a new site and for upgrading and have a few questions.

    We only use offline payment and do not want the status ”pending” at all so therefore the solution presented here has been working great previously:

    1. With version 3 this doesn’t seem to work anymore, is there an update available?

    2. With version 3 there is a new extra step added before any bookings are saved (choosing payment option), since we only have offline payment could you please explain how this extra step could be avoided?



    From version 3 onwards, you would need to use the following code to automatically confirm an offline booking:

    add_action('eventorganiser_offline_payment_initiated', function($booking){
         eo_confirm_booking($booking->id(), true);

    At present, the extra step can’t be avoided.In the new year I’ll be looking at whether that can be simplified.

    Stephen Harris

    Is it ok to stay on version 2 for a little while longer?
    …are there anything important changes if I’m on the latest WordPress?


    No, version 3 was primarily about ensuring the plug-in will strong customer authentication ready – which is not relevant for offline bookings. So there’s no immediate need for you to upgrade.

    Stephen Harris


    You mention that you might look into simplifying offline booking regarding the extra step that was added.
    I just wanted to check if there is any news on this?
    Is it ok to stay on version 2 until this is ready in version 3?
    …or do I need to adapt our sites to fit version 3?



    It hasn’t been added yet.

    You’re fine to stay on version 2. The version 3 upgrade was primarily to support 3D secure payments which means unless you are collecting payments via credit card on your site then there’s no imperative to update. (So if you’re using offline / PayPal / iDeal gateways, you should be fine to stay on version 2).

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen, sounds good!

    I will stay on version 2 for a while longer.
    Could you please email me the latest version of v2 or perhaps make it available for download?
    The latest I found on my disc is called 2.0.0-beta-11 but I believe you released at least one final after that?



    Hi again,

    I downloaded 2.0.1 from my other site, so no need to send it.
    …is it the latest v2?



    Yes that’s the latest v2

    Stephen Harris
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