I plan to update my install of Event organizer pro to version 1.10.1 after updating WordPress to 4.2.2
Do I need to update the “event-organiser-ideal-mollie” payment module as well?
The details from the “event-organiser-ideal-mollie” payment module readme file:
=== Event Organiser iDeal (Mollie) ===
Contributors: stephenharris
Donate link: http://wp-event-organiser.com
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 4.1.1
Stable tag: 0.1.2
<h1>License: GPLv2 or later</h1>
When updating Event organizer pro to version 1.10.1 do I need to take any extra steps as I also use “event-organiser-ideal-mollie” ?
I assume I should first update Event Organiser first and then Event Organizer Pro second, is this correct or doesn’t the order make any difference?

Hi Tony,
There’s nothing you need to do for any other extensions. Unless there is any specific instruction in the readme / on the plug-ins page telling you to update X to version A, before updating Y to version B, then no specific order is required. (The exception here is if there is a significant change in dependencies. This is very rare.)
It is however, recommended to keep plug-ins up to date.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
I have just updated Event Organiser, but when I go to update Event Organiser Pro I have the message “The license key you have entered is invalid. Purchase a license key or enter a valid license key here” what do? I thought I had a year of updates included, or can you send the required license key
Just below this in the menu section: Settings> general tab there is now a field requesting a license key for “Event Organiser iDeal (Mollie)” this is currently empty, please can I have this licence key as well. I don’t remember having a licence key for this before.
Many thanks.
Kind regards,

I thought I had a year of updates included, or can you send the required license key
You do, I’ll take a look at your account for you.
Regarding the Mollie extension. There’s no license key been issued for you for this yet. You’ll receive this before an update is released, and the key will last a year from the date of issue. In the mean time you can ignore that message.
Update: The site using the Pro extension was registered with and without the “www” and appears to have ‘fooled’ the license checker. I’ve cleared the license key for you, so it should appear as valid shortly.
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
Stephen Harris.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
To confirm, the Event Organiser Pro update appears to have gone well and the mollie/iDeal payment is working.
Thanks again.
Kind regards,
