Updated to 1.7, date not showing up . . .

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Updated to 1.7, date not showing up . . .

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 12 years ago.

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    Hi. I want to again thank you for helping me out last week to figure out how to get my divs to be styled based on event category.

    I am having another issue and I’m not sure it has something to do with the update to 1.7 or something I’m just overlooking.


    Here you will see the slider, some of the slides are linked to an event . . . previously on the slides that were linked to posts that were events, the date would show up after the “|” pipe in the title. The date no longer shows up and I’m not quite sure why. Does something in this code look suspect? The only thing I can think of is that something changed when I updated to the 1.7 plugin. Thanks for any help! – Mattey

    if (get_post_type() == "event") {
    $date_format = (eo_is_all_day() ? 'M jS' : 'M jS @ g:ia');
    //$start = eo_get_the_start("Y-m-d", get_the_ID());
    //$end = eo_get_the_end("Y-m-d,", get_the_ID());
    $start = $post->StartDate;
    $end = $post->EndDate;
    if ($start < $end) {
    $the_date = eo_get_the_start("M jS", get_the_ID())." - ".eo_get_the_end("M jS", get_the_ID());
    } else {
    $the_date = eo_get_the_start($date_format, get_the_ID());
    $the_date = " | ".$the_date;
    } else {
    $the_date = "";


    FYI – The “PechaKucha Night, Volume 9” is an example of the slide that should have a date after the “|”.


    Nothings changed – but you should use the API rather than the $post object: (Assuming you’re using it ‘inside the loop’).

     if (get_post_type() == "event") {
            $date_format = (eo_is_all_day() ? 'M jS' : 'M jS @ g:ia');
            $start = eo_get_the_start("Y-m-d");
            $end = eo_get_the_end("Y-m-d,");
            if ($start < $end) {
                       $the_date = eo_get_the_start("M jS")." - ".eo_get_the_end("M jS");
            } else {
                      $the_date = eo_get_the_start($date_format);
             $the_date = " | ".$the_date;
     } else {
          $the_date = "";
    Stephen Harris
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