i’ve created a child template and added the event php files that i’ve edited.
but for some reason, i do not see my changes in my website.

Rachel Druskin
Hi Rachel,
What are the names of the files you’ve added, and did you add these to the root of your active theme?

Stephen Harris
hi Stephen,
yes i added them to the root of the child template folder.
the files i edited are:
* archive-event
* search-event-list
* shortcode-event-list

Rachel Druskin
I see, I was hoping for a spelling error to explain this, but they are looking all in good order (assuming they’re .php
files 😉 ).
So the first of the three affects the yoursite.com/events/event
page, (and also the year/month/day pages). The last two are for the search shortcode and event list shortcode respectively.
Are you not seeing the appropriate changes to those pages / shortcodes in particular? What changes have you made?

Stephen Harris
i dont see the changes…
i changed the layout a bit – instead of full width, is should appear on the left side of the page.

Rachel Druskin
Hi Rachel,
I think I’ll need to take a look at this myself, then I’ll have a better idea of what’s going on. I’ll be in touch via e-mail.

Stephen Harris
Hi Rachel,
I think I’ll need to take a look at this myself, then I’ll have a better idea of what’s going on. I’ll be in touch via e-mail.

Stephen Harris
hi Stephen,
thank you so much for trying to help me, but it seem to work now 🙂
maybe it’s because i’ve uploaded the files to both parent and child folders?

Rachel Druskin
Mmm… it shouldn’t generally require you add it to the parent theme as well. I’ll double check in case there is a bug.

Stephen Harris