Update plugin error

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years ago.

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  • #26423

    I have Event Organiser Pro 1.11.7 installed and am told to upgrade. When I try, I get an error that says “An error occurred while updating Event Organiser Pro: Update Package not available.

    What can I do to fix this?


    Which keys are you using? Does the key end in DYL or BFQ?

    You purchased a new set of license keys last year (including …DYL) to replace the expired set (…BFQ). It appears you may still be using the expired ..BFQ key not the newer …DYL key.

    Stephen Harris

    How do I find the new key? I can’t see an email with this, even though the invoice says that will be emailed. Is there a place on my account where I can access that?


    Just sent you your license keys via e-mail

    Stephen Harris
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