We are importing about 5000+ old events into this addon. There are 3184 Venues! 🙂
I just imported the venues into the addon using this plugin and wp-cli
However, unfortunately we do not have the latitude / longitude data in our old system. If I go to edit the imported Venue and manually retype the address, sometimes the map finds the latitude / longitude and I can then update the venue, but sometimes it remains stuck at 0 /0.
Morever, it’s not possible to manually update 3000+ venues. Is there any way we can mass update the latitude / longitude for the venues? I am fine with php / wp-cli etc if you can suggest any solution.
Sadik Bhimani
Hi Sadik,
The venue admin page uses Google’s JavaScript API to handle the reverse geocoding. You can’t (easily) use this in a PHP script to process pre-existing venues, but there are PHP alternatives: http://geocoder-php.org/Geocoder/
You could create a WP Cli command which:
- Uses
(docs) to retrieve all the venues
- Loop through them and use
(docs) to check if it has a latitude/longtitude set.
- If it has, skip it. Otherwise, get the address (this will be array) via
- Using the address, use the above Geocoder (or an alternative) to retrieve a lat/lng co-ordinate for the venue.
Update the venue as follows:
eo_update_venue( $venue_id, array(
'latitude' => $latitude,
'longtitude' => $longtitude,
) );
(see docs: http://codex.wp-event-organiser.com/function-eo_update_venue.html)
You could alternatively adapt the command you’ve linked to, and update the venue with the lat/lng co-ordinates immediately after creating it (and deleting all your current venues)
Stephen Harris
Many thanks for your reply Stephen.
I actually solved the issue after making the post by modifying the file at https://gist.github.com/stephenharris/00a6a601b274b38a59cc82c146a95688
I made a cURL request before inserting the venue to Google Maps, and parsed the response to find the lat / long and then added the lat and long to the $venue variable. Here’s the modified file in case someone needs the same thing.
Best Regards, – Sadik
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Sadik Bhimani.
Sadik Bhimani