Update failed

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #5963

    When performing auto update in wp admin, I get the following message: “An error occurred while updating Event Organiser Pro: Update package not available.” I have tried multiple times to update, same response each time.

    Erica Eide

    Hi Erica,

    Is it still continuing? I’ve tested this on a few sites earlier and it’s working as expected – it could have been a temporary issue. You can manually download the update form your profile (click your name in the sidebar), but let me know if you still have trouble updating automatically and I’ll look into it.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    I’m having the same problem, and I don’t see a place to download the pro update on the site.



    Hi Nick
    If you visit your profile page (click your username in the sidebar) you can download the plugin manually from there. I will take a look at your license key as it maybe your site doesn’t have.a static IP.

    Stephen Harris

    I just had the same problem. Anyways the manual way worked just fine.

    Adrian Maleska

    Thanks Adrian.

    This problem seems to be affecting a small minority of users, so please post here if you’re experiencing this issue and if the issue is persistent.

    Stephen Harris
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