I had problems with Event Organiser, so I thought I first try to update everything and see from there. I updated Event Organiser successfully, but the pro version does not recognize my license key anymore now in the 1.8.2. pro version. Also I cannot find where to download the update for the pro version without repurchasing it. Can you tell me where I can download the 1.9.2 version of Event Organizer Pro?
Thank you

Aiyanna Weidner
Hi Aiyanna,
It seems your site’s IP address changed, so it was recognised as a second site on the one-site license. I’ve now cleared the key so it should now appear as valid, and so you should now be able to update the plug-in.
You can also manually download the latest update by logging into http://wp-event-organiser.com/my-account and viewing your purchase history.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
thank you very much! The license appears as valid now.
What I have now remaining as a problem is, that after I make a booking with an email address that is not logged in, the message “you have don´t have permission to do this” appears and the booking don´t register.
I deactivated most of most functions for the roles, as I understand that the roles would be able to do more than just go through their own bookings and maybe mess with the events I created. But not sure now which ones to leave activated, as I get this error message.
Thank you,

Aiyanna Weidner
Hi Aiyanna,
Permissions wise, you shouldn’t need to enable anything for users to place a booking (except allowing ‘guest’, i.e. logged-out bookings – but it that were disallowed the booking form would be hidden).
Does the booking appear at all? Or just not confirmed.
I suspect that a plug-in/theme is mistakenly trying to perform some action which the user doesn’t have permission to do (hence the error message). One way to test this is to disable other plug-ins, however I have a script which will help identify the source of the error message (see https://gist.github.com/stephenharris/5303608).
If you’re comfortable doing so, you can add that to a utility plug-in / theme’s functions.php and try the booking again – it will give the path of function calls leading to the error message, and so clarify what is going on. If not, I’d be happy to do so for you, but I would need FTP access (so please get in touch via http://wp-event-organiser.com/contact.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
thank you for your quick reply! The booking appears, but it says that it cannot be connected to an event. And I don´t receive a confirmation email for it. I am not very comfortable in adding scripts to the themes functions.php. I very much appreciate that you offered to do that, that feels safer, then me doing it. 🙂
I will send you the access link and login via the contact form.

Aiyanna Weidner
For anyone else encountering this issue, the problem was found to be a bug with Easy PayPal Custom Fields – an issue has been raised with the developer here, along with a fix. However, the repo does not appear to very active, so it seems unlikely at this point that the developer will release an update. You can view the changes to be made yourself if you need this plug-in, it amounts to the addition of two lines of code.

Stephen Harris