Update 1.4.2 and Login form

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #7968

    Hi Stephen,

    I updated to 1.4.2 and still cannot manage to remove the login form (for any, logged in or logged out users) as I choose “Yes, but do not register an Account”!
    Unfortunately, I’m not a experienced developer, so I cannot fiddle too much with PHP, unless I’m shown exactly what needs to me done.

    Even though I setup a Child theme, I’m slightly worried and need to have a satisfying version before I start page translations in various languages.

    When (approx.) is the next version out, where this login form is easily managed in WP Admin?
    Or, if you’re willing, I’ll send you my WP credentials and you can remove with “editor” if too much time is not needed.

    Thanks in advance,

    PS: What was updated with 1.4.2 anyway. No thread about this found!?

    Miho Karlic

    Hi Miho,

    I’ve sent you an email with the updated template which shall be included in the 1.5 release. There is no definite date for 1.5’s release, but hopefully it will be around the end of November. In that version, selecting to allow guest users, but to explicitly not create an account (the fourth option in the drop-down), will automatically hide the log-in form.

    This may change in the future (post 1.5) – but in any case, there will always be a way of hiding the sign-in form via the admin options. (If such a change occurs, it’ll will ensure that it doesn’t reveal the log-in form, if you’ve elected to hide it as above).

    1.4.2 wasn’t announced, it was an update address a minor issue affecting a minority of users.

    Stephen Harris
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