Unlimited Spaces?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years ago.

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    Hi, I’m using the Event Organizer Pro for a community outdoors club, and the events we’ll be running have unlimited spaces. Is there a way to always just have spaces as unlimited?
    I know we can set the spaces to like 9999, but I’m hoping to just take out that step for our event coordinators.


    Aaron Robb

    Hi Aaron,

    Unfortunately each ticket must have a finite number of spaces allocated to it.

    Stephen Harris

    Ok, would there be a way to pre-set the number of spaces? So since we want unlimited, can we make it automatically show 999 tickets? Just trying to make it easy for our people.

    Aaron Robb

    Hi Aaron,

    Unfortunately at this point, no. The default value is set in a JavaScript file. You can change this, but just be aware that an update will revert your changes. The plug-in will by default use a compression version of the JavaScript file which is difficult to edit, but the uncompressed source file is also provided, so you could edit that, and copy the contents over.

    The file(s) to edit would be event-pro.js/event-pro.min.js (specifically line 451):

     spaces: 1 //change to 999

    Please note that 1.10.0 is already at beta, so there would be no plans to either change this default value or make it configurable until at least 1.11.0.

    Stephen Harris
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