Unable to update EO Pro

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ronya Banks 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #19427

    Hi, Stephen,

    I’m unable to update EO Pro.

    When I try to update it from the Plugins page in WP Admin, there is no response to clicking on the “update now” link. This is also true if I open up the pop-up window with the new version ddetails and click on the “Install Update Now” button.

    I also tried downloading the latest version of the Pro plugin and then uploading it to the website. In this case, the plugin shows up deactivated, but if I click on the “Activate” link, nothing happens.


    Ronya Banks

    Hi Suzanne,

    Please try updating by going to wp-admin/update-core.php and selecting Event Organiser Pro (only) and updating it there.

    There are known issues with earlier Pro versions in updating using the ‘quick links’ on the plug-ins page on the later WordPress versions (since 4.2).

    Stephen Harris

    Perfect. Thank you!

    Ronya Banks
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