unable to find templates files

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #12047

    This is a great plugin, easy to use and very good however I am struggling to find the template files to customise my event posts.
    In the tutorial is says they are located under Event Organiser-Template however I don not have this option.
    I have added the following to my url ‘wp-content/event-organiser/templates/’ but am given a 404 page.
    I’ve looked in my theme templates and it isn’t there either.
    Please could you help?



    If you use an FTP client to access your site you should find the template files under ../wp-content/plug-ins/event-organiser/templates/. The exact location of wp-content will depend on where you’ve installed WordPress, but can usually be found in the root of your site’s public directory (sometimes called www).

    For security and asthetics reasons you won’t generally be able to access these template files via an url. If instead your want to view the page(s) that the template generates, you can find these urls in Settings > Event Organiser > Permalinks.

    Stephen Harris
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