Two questions on Posterboard AND Event details on recurring events

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Two questions on Posterboard AND Event details on recurring events

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Gillian Allmark 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #24187

    How do I remove the event end time on posterboard? I just want events to show the start time…

    Also, at the bottom of my events on posterboard, there is a grey button saying ‘Loading…’, but all of the events are showing. Can this be removed? I’m worried it is going to look confusing for people.

    Finally, can I remove the line ‘This event is running from [date] until [date]. It is next occurring on October [date]’ on event details for recurring events?

    Many thanks

    Gillian Allmark

    Hi Gillian,

    Yes you can, first you need to define the placeholder you’ll use in the template (you’ll need to add that in a custom plugin or theme’s functions.php):

    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_posterboard_item', function( $event ) {
          $event['event_start_time'] = eo_get_the_start( get_option( 'time_format' ) );
          return $event;
    } );

    then, you’ll want to copy the template event-organiser-posterbard/templates/single-event-board-item.html into your theme and replace event_range in this line with event_start_time

    The fact that the ‘loading’ doesn’t automatically disappear is a bug with the 3.0.0 release (they’ll be an update later today).

    Regarding the This event is running from line. Yes simply copy the event-organiser/templates/event-meta-event-single.php template into your theme and edit it there. You’ll want to remove this line:

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen

    I’m new to editing templates etc but i’ve had a go – when you say copy ‘into your theme’, where do you mean? I have followed your instructions – made a functionality plugin and added code to that first, and then and put both the other copied files in wp-content/themes/spacious-pro/page-templates but neither have worked! Am I copying them to the wrong place?

    Thanks – sorry if these are very basic questions!

    Gillian Allmark

    The template files should go into the root of your theme.


    The snippet should go in a utility plug-in your plugins directory or you can put it in your theme’s functions.php

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks so much – all sorted 🙂

    Gillian Allmark
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