Two events in a row possible

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #24019

    hi Stephen,

    please have a look at the SERP here (under the calendar):

    I think it might look much better and for a better clarity, if there were two events in a row and not only one. Is this possible?


    Patrick Merck

    Yes, in Pro there is a templates/search-event-list.php file, simply copy to your theme and edit it there. How best to put the events into columns will depend on your theme (it looks like it might have classes for doing that already).

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen, but I have no idea about editing php files…

    is there an “easy way” to get two results in a row or is this much work?

    Patrick Merck

    The only way is to edit the mark-up of the HTML, and possible add some styling to your theme. Whether that’s a lot of work I guess depends on how proficient you are in HTML and CSS. The theme looks like it’s styling content into columns already, so it might be worth seeing how its doing it.

    Stephen Harris
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