Ticketlist dates are sorted wrong after booking

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug Ticketlist dates are sorted wrong after booking

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 4 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #37582


    I have reported this earlier but this time I found an easier way to reproduce the bug. Hopefully it’s nothing too complicated.
    I have setup a test site with nothing but Event Organiser, latest WordPress + default theme.
    If I create a recurring event at for example March 17, March 24, March 31
    and create a ticket with all dates selected.
    Everything is ordered correct at first, however if I submit a booking for the ticket at March 31.
    Then the ticket order is wrong the next time someone visits the event. It will now be in the order March 31, March 17, March 24,

    The “Upcoming Dates” section above the form still shows the dates in correct order.

    I have tried switching between different plugin versions and discovered that the ticketsorder is correct if I switch to EO Pro “Version 1.11.12” however the bug appears on both “Version 3.0.12” and “Version 2.0.1”.

    Let me know if you want me to send you login credentials to my test site



    Thanks for reporting this it should be fixed in the 3.0.13 release.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen!

    Is there a way I could apply this to version 2 ?
    (I´m using Version 2.0.1 )



    Hi Anders,

    I’ve just sent you a link to a 2.0.2 version.

    Stephen Harris
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