Ticket was no longer available before end-date – timezone???

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Ticket was no longer available before end-date – timezone???

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 3 years ago.

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    We had an issue with tickets no longer showing although the Ticket sale end date said
    2022-03-06 11:59pm

    What timezone is being used to determine this end time ?
    I created the events from Europe GMT+1
    The person trying to book was in the US Pacific Time zone I believe.

    We have another event coming up for which we wish to end sales at midnight April 10th Pacific Time .

    Can you please advise how we can make this work and which timezone is ‘saved/used’ for the sale dates ?

    Thank you

    Sharon McErlane

    Hi Nadia,

    The timezone used for events and tickets is the site’s timezone. So if I’ve understood you correctly then it would Europe GMT+1.

    Please note though that if you create an event and then change the site’s timezone, the timezone of the event will effectively change too. Events and tickets are stored in the database without a timezone and are interpreted to be in the same timezone as the site.

    It’s not possible to create events/tickets in different timezones.

    Stephen Harris
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