HI I set up a event that is reoccurring once a week. I want to sell tickets for the different dates but under one event. So I made a event and created a ticket for each date with 8 spaces available for each date. But for some weird reason some of the dates have been overbooked and more than 8 space for that one date has been booked. I am not sure if its because of the capp booking I set it to 8. I tried leaving cap booking alone, but its showing more space available than it should. I am not sure where I am going wrong, it would be really helpful if you could help me with my problem. Thanks L

Leyla Dauvin
Hi Leyla,
So each ticket has at most 8 spaces? When you select tickets can you select more than 8?
Spaces for an event may only be reserved if the booking is confirmed (rather than pending). You can configure that behaviour in the settings. But be aware that the bookings may not be reserving thoses spaces for that reason.
Are you able to provide a link to an event?

Stephen Harris
I did look at pending tickets but I don’t think that is the problem. Since it is allowing more tickets to be
sold than what I have. For example for 3rd september it is allowing more than 8 spaces to be booked.
I am not sure maybe when i add new ticket dates the whole thing restarts the ticket availability.
Please have a look at the link and see if there is something that I am missing.

Leyla Dauvin
Hi Leyla,
It looks like your selling tickets by series, I think you want to sell it by date. (see the documentation here: http://docs.wp-event-organiser.com/bookings/selling-your-first-ticket/).
Apart from that, it looked fine: each ticket had a maximum quantity of 8 (some less, presumably because of prior bookings). I couldn’t see if there was total cap on bookings. However, because you are selling by series, each of those tickets are for the entire event, not a specific date.
When you sell tickets by date, when creating the ticket you select the date(s) for which it is available. Probably in your case, you just want one date for each ticket. The booking is then for that date rather than the entire event.

Stephen Harris
hi, Thank you so much for the help. Just one last question, If I was selling two different types of ticket
for one date and for each ticket I had 8 max and so I should set cap on bookings to 8 or 16? to make sure
there is no overbooking.
I think i am getting slightly confused at that part too. It would be great if you could help me with that. And
again thank you! 🙂

Leyla Dauvin
By default the booking capacity (for a given date – if selling by date) is the sum of all the tickets available for that date. However, you may want to have more tickets available than you have spaces, but obviously still not exceed the event capacity.
For example, suppose I were selling tickets for a show which had an audience capacity of 500, and I wanted adult, child and concession tickets available. I would create 500 adult, 500 child and 500 concession tickets – but I still want to limit the number of bookings to 500, not 1500. That is what the booking cap is there for.

Stephen Harris
Ooo ok it makes more sense in that terms.
But I am selling 16 tickets for that date but its split into morning and evening class. I am selling 8 tickets
for morning and 8 for evening so I will just leave the cap booking alone? Since I am only selling 8 ticket for
morning and it will be impossible for some one to buy more than 8.

Leyla Dauvin
In your case, yes, leave the cap empty and set the ticket quantity to 8 for each ticket type.
It will then be impossible for a user to book more than 8 tickets for the morning/evening of a particular date. (They could still book tickets for the morning of date X and evening of date Y)

Stephen Harris
Thank you so much for all your help!
It has been really useful and helped me out a lot! and hopefullly no more errors. 😀

Leyla Dauvin