Thumbnail in Events lists?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    In the Events settings, on the general tab, under “select which features events should support”, I have checked the box for “Thumbnails”. I was hoping for a thumbnail image on the events list, but I don’t see a thumbnail of my “featured” image anywhere (not on the full calendar, not on the events listing); all I see is the full image on the page for the event itself, when the event listing is clicked.

    Any way to get a thumbnail on the event listing, or in the calendar? I’m using WordPress 2011 theme.

    Thanks much.

    Mark Foote

    Hi Mark,

    The default templates don’t display a thumbnail (but they can be edited). The ‘supports thumbnails’ option only adds the thumbnail metabox so the thumbnail can be assigned.

    That said, I realise the default templates suck (the original assumption was that they would be edited anyway), and can make the plug-in seem buggy, so improving them is next on my todo list – and displaying thumbnails is part of that :).

    You can display a thumbnail using:

    if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { // check if the event has a thumbnail assigned to it.

    where desired in the appropriate template.

    Stephen Harris

    a little off topic but is this also the way to get more detail about the event in the summary list?

    ie: I’m displaying a list of events by category and these are displayed chronologically. but all that’s currently displayed is the Post/Event Header and the start date/time. I’d like a little more detail here.

    so if I read the above post from Stephen, I need to modify a template file yes?

    btw: I’ve been looking around at various event calendars and like yours the best. I really like how it utilises the existing post functionality. I’m hoping that all of these events (posts) are google searchable yes?



    John Anderson

    Hi John,


    By event summary, you mean on the front-end right?

    If so, yes: the default templates exist in the templates directory of the plug-in. You can copy them into your child/parent theme and edit them there (so they survive plug-in updates). In 1.7 I’m improving the default templates (see ticket) – but I’d encourage you anyway to edit the templates to get them exactly how you want.

    Any questions, just ask – but a lot of what you need can be found here.

    Yes events are just a post type – so should be searchable – assuming your site is. (You may want to look at using microdata in the templates too if you want Google to read your event data more easily).

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    thank you for responding so promptly. I see the templates in the template folder of your plugin. I understand the concept of child themes etc and can do all this later, but for now just want to test if it works to my expectation.

    The list shown in this screen shot is produced with your shortcode [eo_events]

    I want to modify this to display a thumbnail (like Mare Foote – above). I also want to provide some more information from the post. say the first section of the text up until the -More- tag.

    Is it true that I must modify the archive-event.php file to do this? I’ve tried adding your php for the thumbnail and was hoping this would produce a thumbnail for the featured image of the event, but it does not.

    thank you,


    John Anderson

    No, the shortcodes / widgets don’t use a template file in that sense: the templates in the plug-in are for the pages (see the permalink settings tab of EO).

    To edit the output of the shortcode see. Specifically their is a tag for the event thumbnail (%event_thumbnail{thumbnail}%).

    However in 1.7 I’ll be adding a shortcode template file to make it easier (for developers) to override the shortcode, but this will only work if the [eo_events] shortcode isn’t wrapped around anything.

    Stephen Harris
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