The license key you have entered is invalid.

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question The license key you have entered is invalid.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    (event organizer pro)
    I bought my licence on 2.August 2018, so it should be valid, but since I changed our wordpress installation to multisite I can not update anymore.
    I pasted the licence key from the Mail into the network settings but it says that it is not valid. What is going wrong?

    Katja Krüger

    The key was registered to what appears to be a test site. I’ve removed the key from that site and so it should now appear as valid, but may take a few days to update.

    Stephen Harris

    The key was registered to what appears to be a test site. I’ve removed the key from that site and so it should now appear as valid, but may take a few days to update.

    Stephen Harris

    I renewed the Pro licence but WP says it’s invalid.
    Any ideas?

    Nathalie Boddy

    HI Nathalie,

    The license key does not always recognise a renewal immediately – however, the plug-in will continue to function as normal.

    Stephen Harris
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To enable me to focus on Pro customers, only users who have a valid license for the Pro add-on may post new topics or replies in this forum. If you have a valid license, please log-in or register an account using the e-mail address you purchased the license with. If you don't you can purchase one here. Or there's always the WordPress repository forum.