Template broken and menu questions.

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Template broken and menu questions.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Bryan Smith 11 years, 6 months ago.

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    So I installed the free, then upgraded to pro. I’ve got three categories and some events in.

    The first problem I’m having is that the menu item that was auto created by the plugin breaks the template:

    So I tried deleting that menu item and made a new one and came across another problem. When I create the new menu item, pick all 3 categories I get three menu items, not one menu item that will pull events from all three categories.

    How do I get my old menu item back that had all cateroies and how do I fix the broken page. It puts the sidebar down below.

    Thanks, super cool plugin otherwise!

    Bryan Smith

    Hi Brian,

    The category pages (listing events for a specific category ) and events page (listing all events) are page which are automatically generated by WordPress. Unlike custom taxonomies (e.g. event category), WordPress doesn’t provide a way of adding links to ‘post type pages’ (e.g. the events page) to your menu. The “add to menu” feature in EO seeks to cater for that.

    Regarding the broken templates: unfortunately the default templates won’t work with every theme – (one size can’t fit all) – but they can be edited as outlined in this page. The best course of action is to modify the templates so they match your theme’s own templates. If you have any trouble with this, please get in touch via this form, and I’ll take a look at any theme-compatibility issues you’re having.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen.

    I actually think I figured it out. I took the loop out of your archive page and added it to a copy of the current template archive page. copied the new page to my template folder. bamm. looks better now!

    I think I figured the menu thing out too.

    Great Program.

    Bryan Smith
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