I’m trying to change the google map on events to display 100% but it’s proving a little tricky to target the css responsible.
According to Firebug the div the map is contained in is named “test”, so I’ve tried the following…
but it doesn’t seem to work?

I don’t think that you can edit the Google map using css because it’s loaded in a sandbox. All attributes must be passed in at the time that you’re creating it.
Are you using the shortcode to display the map?
If so adding the width (100% in your case) into the shortcode will do the trick.
[eo_venue_map width="100%"]
[event_map width="100%"]
See the shortcode documentation for more map customisations.
This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by
Dario. Reason: Added documentation link and css explanation

Hi Bevels,
As Dario has pointed out you can use the attributes on the shortcode. Or if you are displaying the calendar from a page template, the function eo_get_venue_map()
and specify the appropriate arguments. (The codex is in need of updating), but the you can specify the width:
eo_get_venue_map( 'my-venue-slug', array(
'width' => '100%',
) );
(Full width is in fact the default so you shouldn’t need to specify that).
I’m curious abou the #test
-div. As far as I’m aware the plug-in doesn’t add it around the map. The containing div
should have the form eo_venue_map-{ID}

Stephen Harris