Targeting google map

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    I’m trying to change the google map on events to display 100% but it’s proving a little tricky to target the css responsible.

    According to Firebug the div the map is contained in is named “test”, so I’ve tried the following…

    • #test {

    but it doesn’t seem to work?



    I don’t think that you can edit the Google map using css because it’s loaded in a sandbox. All attributes must be passed in at the time that you’re creating it.

    Are you using the shortcode to display the map?

    If so adding the width (100% in your case) into the shortcode will do the trick.

    [eo_venue_map width="100%"]
    [event_map width="100%"]

    See the shortcode documentation for more map customisations.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by  Dario. Reason: Added documentation link and css explanation

    Hi Bevels,

    As Dario has pointed out you can use the attributes on the shortcode. Or if you are displaying the calendar from a page template, the function eo_get_venue_map() and specify the appropriate arguments. (The codex is in need of updating), but the you can specify the width:

     eo_get_venue_map( 'my-venue-slug', array(
          'width' => '100%',
     ) );

    (Full width is in fact the default so you shouldn’t need to specify that).

    I’m curious abou the #test-div. As far as I’m aware the plug-in doesn’t add it around the map. The containing div should have the form eo_venue_map-{ID}.

    Stephen Harris
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