Tags open to blank page

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 4 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #38406

    Client is using EO-Pro and have several tags on their events. We’re not sure when but now when you click on a tag instead of opening up a page with similar events, it opens to a blank page.

    You can see this here : https://frontierprecision.com/events/event/1-day-part-107-uas-training-sioux-falls-sd-11/

    Any ideas on what may be causing this? Current version of the plugin and WP. PHP v7.2

    Marv Dorner

    Hi Marv,

    It looks like its redirecting to a the tag archive page of a different events plugin (Tribe). Is that plug-in active? Deactivating it might resolve the issue.

    Stephen Harris
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