Thank you for the great support always…..
I would like to make my event list look like the demo page…. the upcoming events
I am using Beaver Builder page builder and their theme….
Thank You
Mel Fisher
Buss lic owener

Mel Fisher
Hi Mel,
Is that the ‘Omega’ theme you’ve selected? (Available on wordpress.org as Sigma). Themes can customise the appearance of the event list widget using CSS and templates.
I’ve extracted the styling and template for that list here: https://gist.github.com/stephenharris/6636882

Stephen Harris
Hi Steve,
Yes it was the Omega Theme on demo. I will look at the CSS etc.
Thank you for the fast reply….

Mel Fisher
Hi Steve,
That worked super good!!
I have more questions but will post in other forum….
Thanks You

Mel Fisher
Hi Steve,
Me again… I noticed that the time of the event is missing in the CSS changes I got..
Unless I missed something…

Mel Fisher
No, it doesn’t include the time. You can do that using eo_the_start()
with time-placeholders (see http://codex.wp-event-organiser.com/function-eo_the_start.html)

Stephen Harris