Styling booking fields

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Francois Wessels 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #18708

    Hi Stephen,

    I hope it would be possible for you to assist with this — would it be possible to have the fields for e-mail, name & surname located next to another as per the supplied screenshoyt

    We are using the Clinto theme on & only the simplified booking form as a RSVP.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards
    Francois Wessels

    Francois Wessels

    Hi Francois,

    The field elements are all templated so you could replace the mark-up entirely (you would want to ensure the name of the fields are the same). Just take a look in event-organiser-pro/templates/booking-form and copy any of the templates to your theme to edit them.

    You may be able to achieve this with just CSS, but the ability to modify the mark-up of the page is also there if you need.

    As for exactly how you would achieve that (in terms of what CSS statements to write) – that would depend on the theme really, so I can’t provide any concrete suggestions. As far as the plug-in is concerned (and in terms of mark-up) the name fields and e-mail field are two separate elements – so you could try setting the width appropriately so they fit on one line.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    Thank you for your assistance on this — could you possibly just explain a little bit more what you mean with ‘copying over the templates to the theme”

    If I were to edit just the CSS, how would I go about this? Which CSS files would I need to modify/edit?

    Kind regards

    Francois Wessels

    Hi Francois,

    I mean just copy the files from templates/booking-form into the root of your theme. Then you can edit them without your changes being lost when you update the plug-in.

    Regarding which files to edit to modify the CSS this would be the theme stylesheet. Where that stylesheet lives will vary between themes, but is typically style.css in the theme’s root directory. Some themes will provide a setting for you to add your own CSS without modifying the theme files. Your theme’s developer might be able to provide advice on this too.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen, thought that was the case but I just wanted to make sure.

    Will update here if I run into any issues.

    Kind regards
    Francois Wessels

    Francois Wessels
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