We are seeing some odd issues with Event Organiser Pro and Stripe payments.
- multiple charges being taken for the same booking ID
- “Incomplete” Booking Status for the affected booking IDs despite payment being taken
This is affecting multiple users on different devices.
Event Organiser Pro Version 3.3.9
Event Organiser Stripe Version 2.2.3
This behaviour appears to have been introduced after upgrading from our previous Event Organiser Pro version (3.2.0). Can we safely downgrade from 3.3.9 to 3.2.0 to see whether this resolves the issue?
SRUC Webmaster
Hi yes, you should be safe to downgrade to 3.2.0. The 3.3.0 branch introduced a very minor feature change and minor bug-fixes (some which were specific to particular set-ups). In short, if you did not have issues with 3.2.0 before then it should be safe to revert.
However, given the minor changes between those versions it seems unlikely that will fix the issue.
If you put the following near the top of your wp-config.php
then you should see logs written to wp-content
define('EVENTORGANISER_DEBUG', 'debug');
This may will help determine the cause. In the meantime I will see if I can replicate this issue.
Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen, thanks for your reply – I’ve added the debug code as suggested and downgraded the plugin and have asked the site owner to advise if the issue reoccurs.
I’ve shared a screenshot of the Stripe payments screen showing the duplicate booking IDs – https://scotrural-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/dhealy_sruc_ac_uk/Efi-AXubyHFDk1FNbxlP3l4BhCjLRJ73oXvRBv7rSnA_Lg?e=AA4C23 (expires in 14 days)
SRUC Webmaster