Stripe gateway key filters

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #30536

    Hi Stephen,

    I’m setting up a site that will use both Event Organiser and WooCommerce to take payments – both using their relevant Stripe gateways.

    As Stripe has the option to regenerate API keys I can foresee a case where this is done and only one plugin has it’s keys updated by the client, causing things to fail.

    Would it be possible to add filters for the keys and live/test mode so that a developer can force the gateway to read it’s key values from another plugin and hide the key setting options in the Event Organiser gateway if doing so?

    Owen Morris

    Hi Owen,

    This is possible. Gateway settings are stored in eventorganiser-gateway option so you can use the normal WordPress filters for modifying options:

    add_filter('option_event organ is era option', function($value){
        $value['stripe'] = array_merge($value['stripe'], array(
            'api_key' => '...',
            'public_key' => '...',
            'sandbox_api_key' => '...',
            'sandbox_public_key' => '...'
        return $value;

    Other options (such as toggling between sandbox and live are also available there)

    Stephen Harris
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