Stripe as part of Pro

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Liz Fraley 2 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #38018

    I bought Pro but it still wants me to pay for Stripe. I used the contact form but wondered if anyone might answer faster here.

    Leslie Brashear

    Hi Leslie,

    The pro extension comes in one of three bundles. The personal bundle provides booking functionality and the offline/paypal payment gateways only. The business bundle includes other selected extensions (iCal, discount codes and venue markers). The developer bundle includes all extensions (including Stripe Payment gateway).

    You can also purchase extensions individually (eg. Stripe) – which would be cheaper than upgrading to the developer license if you didn’t need the other extensions/sites.

    Stephen Harris

    Oh gosh! Not that it is that much money but I kept reading “Pro comes with all add ons” and I did not charge the client for developer or the add on. I think I could have done this with Woo for nothing other than the nice little calendar events provides.

    Leslie Brashear

    I have Pro/Business and yet the stripe plugin is missing. I’ve sent two inquiries through the contact form. Any chance I can get an answer here?

    Liz Fraley
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