Strange sender email address on "Thank you for your booking" email

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Strange sender email address on "Thank you for your booking" email

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mandy Walker 11 years ago.

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    When you register you receive an email with the subject “Thank you for your booking”. The sender of this email has an address like this:
    This address must be the admin email address defined in wordpress.
    I have a a pro version of the plugin.
    I don’t think I have any SMTP/email plug-ins installed,
    Thanks in advance.

    Mandy Walker

    Hi Mandy,

    What version of Pro are you using? There was a bug in 1.5 which was subsequently fixed in 1.6.

    Stephen Harris

    Sorry for the delay Stephen. I have installed Version 1.6.0

    Mandy Walker

    Sorry, is that to say the problem still persisting?

    Stephen Harris

    Yes 🙁

    Mandy Walker

    have updated and the problem is fixed…
    Maybe i will be back with another little issue. Thanks

    Mandy Walker
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