Strange Problem

This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #22290

    I’m not sure how to explain this problem. Client found it this way…

    If you go to and then scroll down to the white widget calendar (on the page not the footer) and then click on April 25 the link takes you to the Qi Gong event. This is not the right link though and is showing a partial description and then ends… you can see the event if you hit “back” on the event listings… it’s page looks very different than this.

    Because the calendar 4/25 leads you to this page having the word “on” in the url, does that mean it’s an archive? And why it’s in the future?

    Can you help me fix this link to point to the correct page or hide archives if that’s the problem? I said showpastevents=”false” so I’m not sure what’s going on here?

    Eliyahna VanKurin

    Hi Eliyahna,

    Yes, that is an archive page showing events that are running that day. The calendar widget has an option to link directly to the event if there is only on e event running that day, otherwise it will link to that page you describe.

    It doesn’t look like you’re using the plug-in templates, which maybe why that page doesn’t look right. What are template settings in Settings > Event Organiser > General?

    Stephen Harris

    I have them on the first one – Enable theme compatability mode (default)

    I tried the second one – Enable template handling and this is what happened:

    everything went wacko

    Can’t the date point to the event page?

    Eliyahna VanKurin

    That’s odd, it didn’t look like the plug-in’s templates were being used.

    If there is only event running that day, then yes, it can link straight to the event (there is a setting in the widget calendar settings).

    Stephen Harris

    Okay could there be a page in the theme’s directory that would overwrite it? If so, by what name? I’m not seeing that option here for the calendar widget…

    Eliyahna VanKurin

    archive-event.php would over-ride it if present.

    Re. the calendar widget – are you using the widget or shortcode? The widget settings are listed here:

    Stephen Harris

    hmmm no archive-event.php does not exist.

    This is shortcode of widget calendar in the page like this:


    Eliyahna VanKurin

    Since she doesn’t ever want to show past events anyway, I overwrote her archive-event.php with a copy of event-meta-event-single.php instead and things look nice now! Is that okay?

    Eliyahna VanKurin

    archive-event.php is not just used for past events, but any list of events. That said, if you’re not using it, there is no harm.

    You can also link directly to the event page from the calendar (assuming there is only one event!) with:

    [eo_calendar link_to_single=1]
    Stephen Harris

    I think it’s working alright now this way. They have a LOT of events constantly so your software is really perfect for them and they use it use it use it!

    The prior system was wp events… wow what a terrific change this was I’m so glad they finally agreed to allow me to install your software instead. It’s just better in every single way and takes up a fraction of the space. Better coding logic, MUCH easier for the users and MUCH less headaches for me. I’ll be recommending it to other clients.

    Thanks a lot!

    Eliyahna VanKurin

    That’s great to hear, I’m glad they enjoy using the plugin.

    Stephen Harris
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