Start and End Date/Time not saving

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #9260

    Having an issue on a site where the Start and End Date/Time fields are not saving anymore. Currently running Version 2.6.0 on WP 3.8.1, but tried rolling it back to previous versions still getting the same issue. Running this plugin on a lot of sites and not getting this problem on any but one, which was only started in the last two weeks. Tired deactivating other plugins and theme, didn’t help

    Any help would be appreciated?


    Paula White

    Hi Paula,

    I assume all the other sites are running 2.6 too? Have you tried deactivating the theme (a bit of a long shot). Apart from that I’d suggest turning debug mode on: ( and/or checking your server’s error log’s (should be an error log file in the root of WordPress install which you can access via FTP).

    Stephen Harris


    Yes all other sites are running 2.6.

    I get the following error message in the log file:

    PHP message: WordPress database error Field 'event_allday' doesn't have a default value for query INSERT INTO `wp_eo_events` (`post_id`,`StartDate`,`StartTime`,`EndDate`,`FinishTime`,`event_occurrence`) VALUES (652,'2014-01-11','00:00:00','2014-01-12','23:59:00','0') made by edit_post, wp_update_post, wp_insert_post, do_action('save_post'), call_user_func_array, eventorganiser_details_save, eo_update_event, _eventorganiser_insert_occurrences, referer: http://....../wp-admin/post.php?post=652&action=edit&message=1
    Paula White


    I have fixed the problem, there was a column in the database with an event_allday value, which wasn’t in the database of other sites. I have removed it and its all working fine. Must have been a field from an old version which didn’t get removed in an update.

    Paula White

    That’s odd, that should have been removed around 1.6 (of the core version). Glad its working now though!

    Stephen Harris
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